For the employer
See how recruitment looks like
STEP 1 - preparing the offer
It will take us a maximum of two days to prepare the offer. We only need answers to a few basic questions to help us determine your needs
STEP 2 - Recruitment
As soon as the contract is signed and the demand is received, we start recruiting. We begin the search for candidates using advertising, industry and social media portals, as well as outdoor work and by organising Job Fairs, as well as cooperating with the PUP and OHP.
STEP 3 - report on our work
We report on the results of our work at the time and in the form you prefer, and we have our own tools to improve further.
STEP 4 - Candidate selection
We review submitted applications against your requirements, then arrange interviews with selected candidates and check them in accordance with your expectations. Once accepted, we hire the candidates or send them for an interview at your company.
STEP 5 - Closing the entire process
Once the contract with the candidate is signed, the recruitment process closes. We are interested in the satisfaction of each side.